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Whole body vibration therapy is an excellent tool for colon health. My experience with colon health goes way back to the 1980’s where I was working with people with Crohn’s disease, Colitis and IBD. I had a pretty good success rate back in those days using a lot of nutritional strategies. Over the years the skill-sets …
So what is energy? Everything is energy, whether fast or slow, hot or cold, dark or light, dead or alive, dense or light. If one uses an ice pack for injury that is energy healing. If one goes to a sauna and sweats that is energy healing. If one exercises that is energy healing. To move energy …
Breathing exercises are usually associated with meditation teachings. Most people are taught to breathe a certain way to meditate and relax but how many understand the common sense truth about what breathing training is all about? So my goal in this post is to present not only the simple physiological secret behind Yogic breathing practices, but to show you a very simple technique that will …
Is there such a thing as free choice? We might choose to move from point a or b but are we moving? It is amazing we can move at all. When does movement actually cause any real change? What is meditation and what place does it have in reality? Who or what is God? What is …
Why is rapid release such an effective tool for acupuncture? What is the connection between the meridians, connective tissue and data? First let’s take a look at the micro level of a meridian point. What is driving the meridian point and what is its dynamic? We need a working model of mind-body connection. The …
The word education is derived from Latin ēducātiō (“A breeding, a bringing up, a rearing”). So how do you want to bring yourself up? I think of two interesting quotes. “If isn’t broke don’t fix it.” And the other “if isn’t broke break it.” So what does this have to do with healing? So let’s start with …
Dreams are a huge clue into giving direction for cleaning. Dreams bring up the depths of subconscious memories. These memories in turn motivate us to clean. The word data is used in Hoʻoponopono because the memories contain millions upon millions bits of data. “Your” memory is the content and interaction of these data fields. A memory could be viewed as the prodding label on Pandora’s box. What lies within Pandora’s box is …
I would like to introduce some key practitioner strategies that utilize the latest advancements in vibration therapy. Essentially these vibration therapies create very strong wave dynamics that accelerate the breaking down of very stubborn fascia formations including scar tissue and adhesions. One tool that some of you are already using in your practice is called Rapid …
This blog is an introduction into Bach Flower remedies, another cleaning tool for working with the subconscious mind. Dr. Edward Bach created 38 flower remedies, each remedy addressing a specific mental/emotional state. Each remedy has a simple keynote description. The first remedy is called Agrimony; and the keynote description is “mental anguish behind a cheerful …
Today I would like to discuss the endocrine gland system and some key supplements for rebalancing adrenal issues, thyroid issues, and the overall endocrine gland system. We’ve done videos on Dr. David Brownstein’s iodine regimen. The main focus of this regimen is comprehensive detoxification of the body and then feeding the thyroid gland iodine, an essential nutrient required …