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Whole body vibration therapy is an excellent tool for colon health. My experience with colon health goes way back to the 1980’s where I was working with people with Crohn’s disease, Colitis and IBD. I had a pretty good success rate back in those days using a lot of nutritional strategies. Over the years the skill-sets …
Why is rapid release such an effective tool for acupuncture? What is the connection between the meridians, connective tissue and data? First let’s take a look at the micro level of a meridian point. What is driving the meridian point and what is its dynamic? We need a working model of mind-body connection. The …
This blog is an introduction into Bach Flower remedies, another cleaning tool for working with the subconscious mind. Dr. Edward Bach created 38 flower remedies, each remedy addressing a specific mental/emotional state. Each remedy has a simple keynote description. The first remedy is called Agrimony; and the keynote description is “mental anguish behind a cheerful …
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Rumi Consciousness work and Energy Work Goal number one is to be effective in steps one and two under Key Components to Holistic Program-Consciousness work and Energy Work. Moving the subtle energy body and learning to …
This blog focuses on a very important piece of healing, which falls under the title of Consciousness Work or more commonly referred to as Higher Consciousness Work. Many are acutely aware of how damaging environmental toxins are but one does not realize that toxic memories stored in the subconscious are probably the greatest challenge for …